Phantoms from the depths

a film by Annick Ghijzelings
Length 110'
Format HD
Sound 5.1
Language FR
Subtitles EN, Nl



Sometimes ghosts talk. If we lend an ear between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, they may tell us things about the world we have created́ and the cruelties we repeat. In Martinique, where the film is set, centuries of colonisation, slavery and migration have intermingled peoples from the four corners of the earth, making each one the son of all. This film questions current identity-based divisions and opens the way to a brighter humanity.


Director Annick Ghijzelings
Chief operator Gaspard Pauwels (Belgium)
Sound engineer Gianny Aldo (Martinique)
Editor Annick Ghijzelings
Music Herman Martin (Belgium)


Produced by Iota Production
Coproduced by TAG Film (France)
With the support of the Cinema Center of the FWB, the DGD, the CTM and the CNC.
In co-production with RTBF, TV5 Monde and Magellan Films.
With the support of Brouillon d’un rêve, SACEM and SCAM.

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